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Contribution to Book
Reaching Toward the Possible
Disrupting Early Childhood Education Research: Imagining New Possibilities
  • Jeanne Marie Iorio, Victoria University
  • William A. Parnell, Portland State University
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
  • Early childhood education -- Qualitative research,
  • Early childhood education -- Curricula,
  • PEarly childhood education -- Research

During the toddler years, ages one to three, language is one of the most obvious developmental tasks that the child is undertaking, giving the teacher many opportunities to scaffold a child's use of spoken words. This chapter explores understandings of narrative research and considers possibilities for narrative methods in teacher research in a toddler classroom. Research with toddlers relies heavily on observation of action and behavior as most children of this age are transitioning from a nonverbal to verbal way of life during this period. Narrative inquiry offers seemingly unlimited possibilities for producing data as narrative researchers generate and interpret a variety of texts. The chapter considers how one might move away from the spoken and written word to engage in narrative teacher research with very young children. Visual narrative analysis offers yet another avenue for positioning the language of the toddler body in such a way that the voices of young children in classrooms can be heard.


Copyright © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group

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Citation Information
Parnell, W., & Iorio, J.M. (2018, Jan). Crisis, empowerment and learning in early childhood: Deepening meaning through arts-based research and action research. In JM Iorio and W Parnell (Eds.), Meaning Making in early childhood research (pp. 30-52). Special series Changing Images in Early Childhood. Routledge Taylor and Francis: NY.