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Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Find Me the Perfect (Decanal) Match
Seattle University Law Review
  • William B.T. Mock
Publication Date

I have been asked to address the question, “How do you know which deanship is the right one?” Since I am the only panel member never to have served as the dean of a law school, this naturally involves some speculation on my part. I have interviewed for some decanal positions, and have even had my name forwarded to university presidents more than once, but I have never found the right fit premised by the panel's topic. As a result, a little further into this essay, speculation even ventures into fiction or, as law professors like to call it, a hypothetical exercise.

Citation Information
William B.T. Mock. "Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Find Me the Perfect (Decanal) Match" (2008) p. 799
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