Clinical presentation of atopic dermatitis in Negroid children.
African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
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Clinical findings in 54 consecutive negroid children with atopic dermatitis (AD) are presented. The age range was 0.25 to 10.25 years. Male:Female ratio was 1.2:1. Time of onset range between 1 week and 8 years with onset before the age of 1 year in 81.1%. Facial and flexural involvement were observed in 81.5% and 70.4% of patients respectively. The latter was more common after the age of two years. Keratosis pilaris, repeated skin infections and ichthyosis were observed in 72, 45, and 40 per cent of the children. Allergic conjunctivitis was present in 11.8%. The findings suggest that the clinical presentation of AD in Negroid children is similar to that in white children.
Citation Information
William Macharia, G.M. Anabwani and D.M. Owili. "Clinical presentation of atopic dermatitis in Negroid children." African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 22 Iss. 4 (1993) p. 41 - 44 Available at:
This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.