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Metrics, Software Engineering, Small Systems – the Future of Systems Development
Computer Science: Faculty Publications and Other Works
  • William L Honig, Loyola University Chicago
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Publication Date
Publisher Location
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

In this talk I will introduce the importance of metrics, or measures, and the role they play in the development of high quality computer systems. I will review some key mega trends in computer science over the last three decades and then explain why I believe the trend to small networked systems, along with metrics and software engineering will define the future of high technology computer based systems.

I first learned about metrics at the Bell System where everything was measured. Metrics can be understood easily if you think of them as measures, for example of calories or salt in food. Key system metrics include lines of code, productivity, known bugs or defects in systems, and predictions of how many defects remain to be found. Now small embedded systems such as watches and glasses are beginning their rise to importance. I expect wearable networks of small devices to replace and expand much of what we do with computers today. However, to do so successfully these systems will need better attention to system quality and reliability. Good software engineering, with attention to process and metrics that can produce high quality, reliable systems is the way to achieve this goal.


Author Posting. © William L. Honig, 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the author for personal use, not for redistribution.

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Citation Information
William L Honig. "Metrics, Software Engineering, Small Systems – the Future of Systems Development" (2016)
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