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Vexar Seedling Protectors did not Reduce Nutria Damage to Planted Baldcypress Seedlings
USDA Tree Planter's Notes
  • William Conner, Clemson University
  • John R Toliver, Louisiana State University
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Publication Date
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Vexar seedling protectors were tested for preventing nutria damage to baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich) seedlings planted in Louisiana
swamp forests. Five areas were planted with 1-year-old baldcypress seedlings. Half the seedlings in each area were protected with Vexar seedling protectors. The protectors slowed down the rate of destruction in some areas, but after 3 months, 85% of the guarded seedlings and 87% of the unguarded seedlings were destroyed.


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