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About William T. Cavanaugh

I am the director of Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology (CWCIT) and a professor of Catholic Studies at DePaul University in Chicago. I received a B.A. in theology from Notre Dame in 1984, and an M.A. from Cambridge University in 1987. After working as a lay associate with the Holy Cross order in a poor area of Santiago, Chile, I worked at the Center for Civil and Human Rights at the Notre Dame Law School. I then studied at Duke University, where I received a Ph.D. in religion in 1996. I taught at the University of St. Thomas since 1995 and at DePaul University starting in 2010. My areas of specialization are in political theology, economic ethics, and ecclesiology.


Present Director, Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology, DePaul University College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Present Professor, Catholic Studies, DePaul University College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae


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Honors and Awards

  • Distinguished Fellow, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, University of Notre Dame, August-December, 2018
  • DePaul University Media Star award, June 2014
  • Book “Migrations of the Holy”, First Place in the Social Concerns category, Catholic Press Association Book Awards, June 2012
  • University Scholars Grant, University of St. Thomas, 2005-08
  • Book “Being Consumed” named Englewood Honor Book for 2008 by the Englewood Review of Books
  • Award of Excellence (first place) in the Theological Reflection: Short Format category, 91st annual "Best of the Christian Press" awards, Associated Church Press, April 24, 2007
  • Visiting Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, Fall 2001
  • Maxi-Grant, University of St. Thomas, 1999
  • Research Assistance Grant, University of St. Thomas, 1997
  • Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 1994-95
  • Julian Price Graduate Fellowship, Duke University Graduate School, 1990-94
  • St. Edmund's College Prize (top student at St. Edmund's College), Cambridge University, June 1987
  • First Class Honors, Preliminary Tripos Exam, Cambridge University, June 1986
  • Graduated With Highest Honors, University of Notre Dame, May 1984
  • Phi Beta Kappa, University of Notre Dame, May 1984
  • Visiting Professor, University of Notre Dame Australia, November 10-19, 2019
  • Cortelyou-Lowery Award for Excellence, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, DePaul University, 2023


PhD, Duke University ‐ Graduate Program in Religion
B.A., Cambridge University, Cambridge, England ‐ Theology and Religous Studies
B.A., University of Notre Dame ‐ Theology

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Books (27)