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Portage Periplus Journal
  • Roy R Larick, Bluestone Heights
  • William C Barrow, Cleveland Memory Project
  • Tom Balbo, Morgan Conservatory
Morgan Conservatory, 1754 E 47th St, Cleveland, OH 44103
Event Website
Start Date
10-23-2013 7:00 PM
End Date
10-23-2013 9:00 PM
Cost to Attend
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With the Portage Periplus Journal, Bluestone Heights and the Morgan Conservatory engage Clevelanders with the Portage Escarpment. Gateway to “the Heights,” the escarpment is a major natural feature and carries more than 200 years of Cleveland cultural history.

Bluestone Heights explores escarpment nature and culture with online mapping and onsite walking tours. We use the literary device of periplus, a narration of voyage along a shoreline. The Portage Periplus navigates the escarpment front to tell its deep history.

For Octavofest 2013, the Morgan Conservatory adds paper art to the project. On handmade Morgan papers, the Portage Periplus Journal relates conceptual voyages of cartographers Blackmore (1852) and Hopkins (1912) along Euclid Ave, from Doans Corners to Wickliffe.

Oct 23: Journal Unveiling
On Wednesday, October 23, 7-9 pm, the Morgan Conservatory unveils the journal on premises (1754 E 47th St, Cleveland, OH 44103). Project summaries by Roy Larick, Bluestone Heights; William C. Barrow, Cleveland Memory Project; and Tom Balbo, Morgan Conservatory.

Oct 26: Walking Tour
On Saturday, October 26, 4-5:30 pm, Bluestone Heights and HEART of Little Italy host, Murray Hill, Set in Stone, a walking tour of Little Italy side streets. Murray Hill is part of the journal's Doan Brook escarpment area. The tour departs from HEART headquarters, 2094 Murray Hill Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106.


The Portage Periplus Journal narrates historical voyages eastward on Euclid Avenue, from Cleveland to Wickliffe. The periplus stops comprise six escarpment ravine areas with significant nature and culture: Doan, Dugway, Nine Mile, Euclid, Bluestone, and Burk-Gully.

The journal builds upon important actual maps published in 1852 and 1912. The period character of each map helps organize stop histories as well as the dynamics of change between the datum years.

The antique maps represent the period landscape in two dimensions. Digital Elevation Models (which accurately represent current elevations and incorporate color shading) provide the third dimension. Each journal hybrid shows an antique map as a digitally translucent overlay on an opaque DEM underlay.

The DEM underlay makes the antiques come alive. The hybrids help show how Clevelanders have developed nature and how cartographers have tackled escarpment terrain at two very different times.

October 23: Journal unveiling at the Morgan Conservatory
For the unveiling, the journal's six narrative paper panels illuminate the periplus from Doan to Gully Brooks. For the viewer, the voyages of 1852 and 1912 play out simultaneously along the panels. In shifting between upper and lower registers, one takes in 60 years of landscape change. Surrounding graphics and text help identify the wilderness of early settler times and the fast pace of early twentieth century cultural development.

October 26: Murray Hill/Little Italy periplus walking tour
The Portage Escarpment has two beds of high quality sandstone. At the base of the escarpment, on Doan Brook, Little Italy and stone working are closely linked. By the late 1870s, Italians worked in local quarries and used the products to fashion infrastructure, buildings, and monuments. Little Italy had more and retains more worked local stone than any other Cleveland neighborhood. We will walk the Murray Hill area to see beautiful examples and learn the deep history.

Citation Information
Roy R Larick, William C Barrow and Tom Balbo. "Portage Periplus Journal" (2013)
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