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Getting Digitization Projects Done in a Medium-Sized Academic Library: a Collaborative Effort Between Technical Services, Systems, Special Collections, and Collection Development
Technical Services Quarterly
  • Michael Boock, Cleveland State University
  • Bruce Jeppesen, Cleveland State University
  • William C. Barrow, Cleveland State University
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Cleveland State University Library, a medium-sized academic library serving approximately 15,000 students, is engaged in large-scale efforts to digitize and make accessible online collections of unique Cleveland-related materials. The Cleveland State University Library Special Collections digitization and cataloging efforts use staff from several different library organizational units. The collaboration of staff with specific expertise in long-standing library functions -- special collections, cataloging, systems, archives, selection -- to create two Web databases is described. The collaborative effort has proven effective in getting resources processed, archived, digitized, described, promoted, and made accessible in a highly efficient and effective manner. The responsibilities of the different library units involved in the digitization project are described.

Citation Information
Michael Boock, Bruce Jeppesen and William C. Barrow. "Getting Digitization Projects Done in a Medium-Sized Academic Library: a Collaborative Effort Between Technical Services, Systems, Special Collections, and Collection Development" Technical Services Quarterly Vol. 20 Iss. 3 (2002) p. 19 - 31
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