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Oxygen isotopic determinations of sequentially erupted plagioclases in the 1974 magma of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
Bulletin of Volcanology
  • William I. Rose, Michigan Technological University
  • I. Friedman, U. S. Geological Survey
  • L. G. Woodruff, Michigan Technological University
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Plagioclases in the 1974 high-Al basalt from Fuego Volcano have δO18 values of +6.0 to +8.5 per mil. Meteoric water cannot have played a significant role in Fuego’s magma. Large, weakly zone clear phenocrysts had δO18 values in the accepted mantle range, while patchyzoned and oscillatory-zoned plagioclases inferred to have formed later and shallower levels have slightly heavier oxygen isotopic ratios.

Publisher's Statement

© Intern. Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 1980. Publisher's version of record:

Citation Information
William I. Rose, I. Friedman and L. G. Woodruff. "Oxygen isotopic determinations of sequentially erupted plagioclases in the 1974 magma of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala" Bulletin of Volcanology Vol. 43 Iss. 191 (1980)
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