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An agent-based platform for the study of watersheds as coupled natural and human systems
Environmental Modelling & Software
  • Leigh Tesfatsion, Iowa State University
  • Chris R. Rehmann, Iowa State University
  • Diego S. Cardoso, Iowa State University
  • Yu Jie, Iowa State University
  • William J. Gutowski, Jr., Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Submitted Manuscript
Publication Date

This study describes the architecture and capabilities of an open source agent-based Java platform that permits the systematic study of interactions among hydrology, climate, and strategic human decision-making in a watershed over time. To demonstrate the platform's use and capabilities, an application is presented in accordance with ODD protocol requirements that captures, in simplified form, the structural attributes of the Squaw Creek watershed in central Iowa. Illustrative findings are reported for the sensitivity of farmer and city social welfare outcomes to changes in three key treatment factors: farmer land-allocation decision method, farmer targeted savings, and levee quality effectiveness for the mitigation of city flood damage.


This is a manuscript of an article published as Tesfatsion, Leigh, Chris R. Rehmann, Diego S. Cardoso, Yu Jie, and William J. Gutowski. "An agent-based platform for the study of watersheds as coupled natural and human systems." Environmental Modelling & Software 89 (2017): 40-60. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.11.021. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Elsevier Ltd.
File Format
Citation Information
Leigh Tesfatsion, Chris R. Rehmann, Diego S. Cardoso, Yu Jie, et al.. "An agent-based platform for the study of watersheds as coupled natural and human systems" Environmental Modelling & Software Vol. 89 (2017) p. 40 - 60
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