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Anti-Italianism 4 Final segment Discussion of the book edited by Wm Connell and Fred Gardaphe
  • William J. Connell
"Depraved they hardly belong to our species," was the way social "scientists" described Italian immigrants in the 1920s. Though Italians have progressed from immigrants, to ethnics, to the US Supreme Court, the evolving image of Italian Americans has had a history of its own that is a constant counterpoint to the immigrant success story. The prejudice regarding Italians is a complex American problem that has to often only been addressed in periodic anti-defamation protests against the latest stereotyped media depictions.. Authors William Connell (Seaton Hall U), Fred Gardaphe' (Queen's College) and Dominic Candeloro (Casa Italia) lead an open discussion of Anti-Italianism: Essays on a Prejudice at Casa Italia on Friday January 6 at 7:30 pm in the Florentine Room. An anthology with thirteen articles, this volume is a bold attempt by an esteemed group of scholars and writers to discuss the question openly by charting the historical and cultural boundaries of stereotypes, prejudice, and assimilation. Contributors offer a continuous series of cultural encounters and experiences in television, literature, and film that deserve the attention of anyone interested in the larger themes of American history.
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Citation Information
William J. Connell. "Anti-Italianism 4 Final segment Discussion of the book edited by Wm Connell and Fred Gardaphe" (2012)
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