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Popular Press
JOSÉ BARBOSA (1857-1921)
BlackPast (2020)
  • will guzmán, Prairie View A&M University
José Celso Barbosa Alcalá, physician, polemicist, professor, politician, and publisher, was born on July 27, 1857 in Bayamón, Puerto Rico to Carmen Alcalá and Hermógenes Barbosa, brick mason and San Antonio sugar mill overseer.  Barbosa’s life traversed significant periods: Spanish colonization; Grito de Lares; slavery, abolition and emancipation; Spanish–American War; US invasion; and the Jones–Shafroth Act, which imposed US citizenship.
  • Physician,
  • Polemicist,
  • Professor,
  • Politician,
  • Publisher
Publication Date
Spring May 22, 2020
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Citation Information
will guzmán. "JOSÉ BARBOSA (1857-1921)" BlackPast (2020)
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