Toward the Human-Robot Co-Existence Society: On Safety Intelligence for Next Generation Robots
International Journal of Social Robotics
Technocrats from many developed countries, especially Japan and South Korea, are preparing for the human-robot co-existence society that they believe will emerge by 2030. Regulators are assuming that within the next two decades, robots will be capable of adapting to complex, unstructured environments and interacting with humans to assist with the performance of daily life tasks. Unlike heavily regulated industrial robots that toil in isolated settings, Next Generation Robots will have relative autonomy, which raises a number of safety issues that are the focus of this article. Our purpose is to describe a framework for a legal system focused on Next Generation Robots safety issues, including a Safety Intelligence concept that addresses robot Open-Texture Risk. We express doubt that a model based on Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics can ever be a suitable foundation for creating an artificial moral agency ensuring robot safety. Finally, we make predictions about the most significant Next Generation Robots safety issues that will arise as the human-robot co-existence society emerges.
- Safety Intelligence,
- Safety Engineering,
- Robot Intelligence,
- Human-Robot Co-Existence Society,
- Robot Policy,
- Robot-Ethics,
- Robot Law
Publication Date
Spring March 27, 2009
Citation Information
Yueh-Hsuan Weng, Chien-Hsun Chen, and Chuen-Tsai Sun. "Toward The Human-Robot Co-Existence Society: On Safety Intelligence For Next Generation Robots" , International Journal of Social Robotics, 1(4), pp.267-282, 2009, DOI: 10.1007/s12369-009-0019-1 Available at: