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Review of America’s Best Female Sharpshooter: The Rise and Fall of Lillian Frances Smith. The William F. Cody Series on the History and Culture of the American West. By Julia Bricklin. Foreword by Jeremy Johnston
Western Historical Quarterly (2018)
  • Wendy L. Rouse, San Jose State University
A review of America’s Best Female Sharpshooter: The Rise and Fall of Lillian Frances Smith. The William F. Cody Series on the History and Culture of the American West. By Julia Bricklin. Foreword by Jeremy Johnston. (Norman:  University of Oklahoma Press,  2017. xiii + 209 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. $24.95.)
Publication Date
Summer April, 2018
Citation Information
Wendy L. Rouse. "Review of America’s Best Female Sharpshooter: The Rise and Fall of Lillian Frances Smith. The William F. Cody Series on the History and Culture of the American West. By Julia Bricklin. Foreword by Jeremy Johnston" Western Historical Quarterly Vol. 49 Iss. 2 (2018) p. 221 - 222 ISSN: 0043-3810
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