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Gloves Off: Women’s Self-Defense
Phi Kappa Phi Forum (2018)
  • Wendy L. Rouse, San Jose State University
Editor’s note: Wendy L. Rouse is the author of the recent book Her Own Hero: The Origins of the Women’s Self-
Defense Movement (New York University Press). Most of the research from this article below comes from that work.
Publication Date
Spring 2018
Publisher Statement
This article originally appeared in Phi Kappa Phi Forum, Volume 98, Issue 1, Spring 2018. It is included here with the publisher's permission. Issues may be found online at this link.
Citation Information
Wendy L. Rouse. "Gloves Off: Women’s Self-Defense" Phi Kappa Phi Forum Vol. 98 Iss. 1 (2018) p. 26 - 29 ISSN: 1538-5914
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