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Unpublished Paper
What Can We Learn about U.S.-China Trade Disputes from China’s Past Trade Retaliations?
CARD Policy Briefs
  • Minghao Li
  • Wendong Zhang, Iowa State University
  • Chad Hart, Iowa State University
Publication Date
Series Number
18-PB 22

As of the writing of this article, trade issues are brewing between the United States and China. At the beginning of 2018, the United States imposed tariffs on imported solar panels and washing machines, and China responded by initiating an anti-dumping investigation into U.S . sorghum. On March 8th, President Trump announced steel and aluminum tariffs with China being one of the primary targets. The tariffs affect $2.8 billion worth of Chinese imports, based onCensus USA Trade Data. Within two weeks, China responded by announcing a list of 128 U.S. products that are the targets of retaliatory tariffs and of about $3 billion trade value (The Chinese Ministry of Commerce, 2018).1 The list notably included pork products and ethanol, which are of critical importance to the U.S . Midwest. China’s announcement came right after President Trump’s proposal of further tariffs on up to $60 billion worth of Chinese imports, investment restrictions, student visa restrictions, and bringing disputes over China’s trade practices to attention of the World Trade Organization (WTO) (Rueters, 2018; Wall Street Journal, 2018).

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Citation Information
Minghao Li, Wendong Zhang and Chad Hart. "What Can We Learn about U.S.-China Trade Disputes from China’s Past Trade Retaliations?" (2018)
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