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Yacyretá and the second-generation effects. Urban development, settlements and advancement of the formal city
Hábitat y Sociedad (2020)
  • Walter F Brites, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Humanos. Argentina.
The socio-spatial and urban effects of the Yacyretá pro- ject, today constitute a complex and still unfinished phenomenon, and can be fully interpreted in the long time of its execution. Thus, from a descriptive, process- es and historical methodology, it has been analysed the way in which the hydroelectric project, located close to the city of Posadas (Argentina), generated strong and intermittent processes of urban development, result- ing from the effect of great infrastructure works and re- modelling of the city. The study shows how the increase of the waterfront, the removal of settlements, as well as the relocation, the regeneration and revaluation of new urban areas, etc., have situated a large part of the informal city at the crossroads. Among the findings, it ́s stands out that the effects of the hydroelectric project continue, despite having finalized, , exposing an old in- formal settlements spaces, often adjacent to the new coastline, where the revaluation and redevelopment is increasing. This is a gradual and simultaneous process with changes in urban legislation, and new urban plans that are consolidating the development of the formal city, re-qualified and open to the market.
  • Development,
  • Urban Changes,
  • Habitat,
  • Settlements,
  • City
Publication Date
Winter June 21, 2020
Citation Information
Fernando Brites, W. (2020). Yacyretá y los efectos de segunda ge- neración. Desarrollo urbano, asentamientos y avance de la ciu- dad formal. Hábitat y Sociedad, 13, 229-248.
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