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About Walter L. Hixson

Walter L. Hixson, distinguished professor, specializes in the history of U.S. foreign policy. He is past president of the Akron chapter of the American Association of University Professors.
Dr. Hixson has just completed a new book entitled American Settler Colonialism: A History, which will be published by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2014. Hixson also wrote a lead essay in Four Decades On: Vietnam, the United States, and the Legacies of the Second Indochina War, edited by Scott Laderman and Edwin Martini and published by Duke University Press in 2013. In August 2013 Pacific Radio ran an extended interview with Professor Hixson on the essay and the legacies of the Vietnam War.
Dr. Hixson's next writing projects include a textbook on U.S. foreign policy (under contract with Routledge) and the role of the United States in the Israel-Palestine conflict (he taught a course on this in spring 2013). In July 2012 Hixson spent two weeks on a delegation to Israel, Palestine, and southern Lebanon and has given several presentations on the “Mideast conflict.”


Present Distinguished Professor, Department of History, The University of Akron

Curriculum Vitae


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Contact Information

Phone: 330-972-7267


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