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Oscillating kissing stem-loop interactions mediate 5′ scanning-dependent translation by a viral 3′-cap-independent translation element
  • Aurélie Mamisoa Rakotondrafara, Iowa State University
  • Charlotta Polacek, University of California - Berkeley
  • Eva Harris, University of California - Berkeley
  • W. Allen Miller, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
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The 3′-untranslated regions (UTRs) of a group of novel uncapped viral RNAs allow efficient translation initiation at the 5′-proximal AUG. A well-characterized model is the Barley yellow dwarf virus class of cap-independent translation elements (BTE). It facilitates translation by forming kissing stem-loops between the BTE in the 3′-UTR and a BTE-complementary loop in the 5′-UTR. Here we investigate the mechanisms of the long-distance interaction and ribosome entry on the RNA. Upstream AUGs or 5′-extensions of the 5′-UTR inhibit translation, indicating that, unlike internal ribosome entry sites in many viral RNAs, the BTE relies on 5′-end-dependent ribosome scanning. Cap-independent translation occurs when the kissing sites are moved to different regions in either UTR, including outside of the BTE. The BTE can even confer cap-independent translation when fused to the 3′-UTR of a reporter RNA harboring dengue virus sequences that cause base-pairing between the 3′ and 5′ ends. Thus, the BTE serves as a functional sensor to detect sequences capable of long-distance base-pairing. We propose that the kissing interaction is repeatedly disrupted by the scanning ribosome and re-formed in an oscillating process that regulates ribosome entry on the RNA.


This article is from RNA 12 (2006): 1893, doi: 10.1261/rna.115606. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
RNA Society
File Format
Citation Information
Aurélie Mamisoa Rakotondrafara, Charlotta Polacek, Eva Harris and W. Allen Miller. "Oscillating kissing stem-loop interactions mediate 5′ scanning-dependent translation by a viral 3′-cap-independent translation element" RNA Vol. 12 Iss. 10 (2006) p. 1893 - 1906
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