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Identifying Policy Agenda Sub-Topics in Political Tweets based on Community Detection
Identifying Policy Agenda Sub-Topics in Political Tweets based on Community Detection
  • Rohit Iyer, Iowa State University
  • Johnny S. Wong, Iowa State University
  • Wallapak Tavanapong, Iowa State University
  • David A. M. Peterson, Iowa State University
Document Type
2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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Conference Title
Identifying Policy Agenda Sub-Topics in Political Tweets based on Community Detection
Conference Date

The explosive use of twitter in the political landscape presents new avenues for tracking political conversations at federal and state level. Tweets are used by state and federal government bodies to present citizens with information about future and present policies. It is also used by political candidates to express their views on policy changes, laws and to campaign for legislative body elections, the most recent example being the 2016 US presidential elections. In this paper, we use supervised learning, textual semantic similarity and community detection techniques to find actively discussed policy agenda sub-topics among political tweets within a certain time period.


This article is published as Iyer, Rohit, Johnny Wong, Wallapak Tavanapong, and David AM Peterson. "Identifying Policy Agenda Sub-Topics in Political Tweets based on Community Detection." Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Rohit Iyer, Johnny S. Wong, Wallapak Tavanapong and David A. M. Peterson. "Identifying Policy Agenda Sub-Topics in Political Tweets based on Community Detection" Identifying Policy Agenda Sub-Topics in Political Tweets based on Community Detection (2017) p. 698 - 705
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