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Self-Regulated Learning in Engineering Education: A Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site Program
123rd Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
  • N. Fang
  • O. Lawanto
  • I. Villanueva
  • Wade H. Goodridge, Utah State University
Document Type
New Orleans, LA
Publication Date

This paper reports the most recent results of an ongoing Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site program funded by the NSF TUES-Type 1 funds. The 10-week summer program focuses on engineering education research on self-regulated learning. After a brief description of Butler and Cartier’s model of self-regulated learning, which lays a theoretical foundation for this REU Site program, this paper provides an overview of the program and details of student recruitment and selection. The paper describes a variety of activities catered and designed for students, including orientation, seminar series, and the final symposium. Also described are four new REU research projects that share a common intellectual focus: self-regulated learning in engineering education. Each REU research project included two REU students, a graduate student mentor, and a faculty mentor. The lessons learned in our Summer 2014 program were applied in Summer 2015 to continuously improve the quality of this program. An independent evaluator provided both formative and summative assessments for this REU Site program. The results of program evaluation are reported in this paper.

Citation Information
Fang, N., Lawanto, O., Villanueva, I., and Goodridge, W.H. (2016). “Self-Regulated Learning in Engineering Education: A Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site Program.” 123rd Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, New Orleans, LA. 10.18260/p.26161