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Culture Shock! The Impact of Pandemics
London Heritage Council (2021)
  • London Heritage Council, London Heritage Council
How have past pandemics impacted culture and society? Watch Culture Shock! The Impact of Pandemics, an online panel of local historians, medical professionals, and cultural experts discussing how previous pandemics, such as the 1918 influenza pandemic, shaped culture and how the current pandemic is spurring change.

Moderated by The London Free Press’ Megan Stacey, the panelists include,
- Hilary Bates Neary, Local Historian
- Dr. Anisha Datta, Associate Professor, Sociology, King’s University College at Western University
- David Marskell, CEO, THEMUSEUM
- Dr. Vivian McAlister, Surgeon, University Hospital London, Professor, Surgery, Western University, Officer of the Order of Canada
- Dr. Shelley McKellar, Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, Schulich Medicine & Dentistry & Professor, History, Western University
- Dr. Jonathan Vance, Professor and Undergraduate Chair, History, Western University

The 2021 Heritage Fair is brought to you by the London Heritage Council, with support from the City of London’s Culture Office.
  • COVID-19,
  • spanish 'flu,
  • 1918 pandemic
Publication Date
February 11, 2021
London, Ontario, Canada
Citation Information
London Heritage Council. "Culture Shock! The Impact of Pandemics" London Heritage Council (2021)
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