The Role of Surgery in Building Resilience to Blast Attacks
NATO Research & Technology Organisation
Blast attacks are the commonest form of terrorist attack on civilians. Blast often causes injury from industrial accidents. Blast injury is the most common cause of injury and death in modern combat. A recent review of Canadian fatal casualties in Afghanistan found 81% to have been caused by blast, almost four times the number killed by gun shot wounds. Improvised explosive devices (IED) caused 78% of the blasts with another 20% being due to rocket propelled grenades (RPG).1 The purpose of this review is to outline the mechanisms of injury, to define the surgical response and to understand the implications of recent surgical experience in Afghanistan.
- combat,
- military medicine,
- combat injuries,
- amputation,
- surgery,
- limb transplantation,
- improvised explosive device,
- blast injury,
- blast injuries,
- improvised explosive device,
- amputation,
- Afghanistan
Publication Date
September, 2011
Citation Information
Vivian C. McAlister. "The Role of Surgery in Building Resilience to Blast Attacks" NATO Research & Technology Organisation Vol. RTO-MP-HFM-207 Iss. KN4 (2011) Available at: