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Ethical Campaigning for the Judiciary
Texas Tech Law Review
  • Vincent R Johnson, St. Mary's University School of Law
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It has always been important for judges to observe high ethical standards. However, it has become increasingly common for jurists to be the target of wrath by disappointed partisans. Efforts are being made to personalize, rather than professionalize, the process of judicial criticism, which suggests the development of an unfortunate trend of abusing judges for personal or political advantage.

In the combative atmosphere that now prevails, judges at all levels need to be especially vigilant to avoid ethical improprieties that may unnecessarily provoke bad publicity. The ethics rules that preclude judges and judicial candidates from engaging in inappropriate political activity make an important contribution to protecting judicial integrity and advancing the administration of justice. The ethical limitations applicable to political campaigns, perhaps more than ever, need to be followed and enforced with the same passion that accompanies other aspects of the political process. If they are, the judiciary will take an important step toward weathering the current storm of judicial criticism that recently has attracted so much attention and threatened public confidence in the courts.

Citation Information
Vincent R. Johnson, Ethical Campaigning for the Judiciary, 29 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 811 (1998).