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Comparison of a Virtual Game-Day Experience on Varying Devices
Electronic Imaging
  • Jack Miller, Iowa State University
  • Holly Baiotto, Iowa State University
  • Anastacia MacAllister, Iowa State University
  • Melynda Hoover, Iowa State University
  • Gabriel Evans, Iowa State University
  • Jonathan Schlueter, Iowa State University
  • Vijay Kalivarapu, Iowa State University
  • Eliot H. Winer, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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Collegiate athletics, particularly football, provide tremendous value to schools through branding, revenue, and publicity. As a result, extensive effort is put into recruiting talented students. When recruiting, home games are exceptional tools used to show a school's unique game-day atmosphere. However, this is not a viable option during the offseason or for off-site visits. This paper explores a solution to these challenges by using virtual reality (VR) to recreate the game-day experience. The Virtual Reality Application Center in conjunction with Iowa State University (ISU) athletics, created a VR application mimicking the game-day experience at ISU. This application was displayed using the world's highest resolution six-sided CAVETM, an Oculus Rift DK2 computer-driven head mounted display (HMD) and a Merge VR smart phone-driven HMD. A between-subjects user study compared presence between the different systems and a video control. In total, 82 students participated, indicating their presence using the Witmer and Singer questionnaire. Results revealed that while the CAVETM scored the highest in presence, the Oculus and Merge only experienced a slight drop compared to the CAVETM. This result suggests that the mobile ultra-low-cost Merge is a viable alternative to the CAVE TM and Oculus for delivering the game-day experience to ISU recruits.


This article is published as Miller, Jack, Holly Baiotto, Anastacia MacAllister, Melynda Hoover, Gabriel Evans, Jonathan Schlueter, Vijay Kalivarapu, and Eliot Winer. "Comparison of a Virtual Game-Day Experience on Varying Devices." Electronic Imaging 2017, no. 16 (2017): 30-37. DOI: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.16.CVAS-346. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
File Format
Citation Information
Jack Miller, Holly Baiotto, Anastacia MacAllister, Melynda Hoover, et al.. "Comparison of a Virtual Game-Day Experience on Varying Devices" Electronic Imaging Iss. 16 (2017) p. 30 - 37
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