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Pragmatic and Cultural Considerations for Deception Detection in Asian Languages
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing
  • Victoria L Rubin, Western University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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In hopes of sparking a discussion, I argue for much needed research on automated deception detection in Asian languages. The task of discerning truthful texts from deceptive ones is challenging, but a logical sequel to opinion mining. I suggest that applied computational linguists pursue broader interdisciplinary research on cultural differences and pragmatic use of language in Asian cultures, before turning to detection methods based on a primarily Western (English-centric) worldview. Deception is fundamentally human, but how do various cultures interpret and judge deceptive behavior?

Citation Information
Victoria L Rubin. "Pragmatic and Cultural Considerations for Deception Detection in Asian Languages" ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing Vol. 13 Iss. 2 (2014)
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