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Family-Responsive Psychoeducation Groups for Families with an Adult Member with Mental Illness: Pilot Results
Community Mental Health Journal (2002)
  • D. E. Pollio
  • Victoria Osborne, Sacred Heart University
  • Carol S. North
Pollio et al document recent pilot efforts of the Psychoeducation Responsive to Family (PERF) model, a yearlong group for families with an adult member coping with mental illness. PERF advances state-of-the-art in its: (a) application in community settings; (b) utility for families coping with all types of mental illness; (c) use of a standardized model, yet retaining a flexible curriculum responsive to family group membership concerns; and (d) recruitment from one-day family workshops of participants eager to further explore their issues.
  • psychoeducation,
  • family,
  • mental illness,
  • groups,
  • treatment
Publication Date
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Citation Information
Pollio, D.E., North, C.S., Osborne, V.A. (2002). Family-responsive psychoeducation groups for families with an adult member with mental illness: Pilot results. Community Mental Health Journal, 38(5): 413-21. Retrieved from OR at SHU Pollio, D.E., North, C.S., Osborne, V.A. (2002). Family-responsive psychoeducation groups for families with an adult member with mental illness: Pilot results. Community Mental Health Journal, 8(5): 413-21. Retrieved from