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A new species of Euscorpius from Bulgaria and Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae)
  • Gioele Tropea
  • Victor Fet, Marshall University
  • Aristeidis Parmakelis, University of Athens
  • Panayiota Kotsakiozi, University of Athens, University of Crete
  • Iasmi Stathi, University of Crete

A new scorpion species, Euscorpius popovi sp. nov., is described from southwestern Bulgaria and northeastern Greece based on morphological and molecular evidence analyses.

References with DOI

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Citation Information
Gioele Tropea, Victor Fet, Aristeidis Parmakelis, Panayiota Kotsakiozi, et al.. "A new species of Euscorpius from Bulgaria and Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae)" p. 1 - 15
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