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Review of Andrea Gabrieli, Missa Pater Peccavi, Motets and Instrumental Music, 2003 His Majestys Consort of Voices, His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts, Timothy Roberts, conductor. Hyperion, 2000
Music Faculty Research
  • Vicki Stroeher, Marshall University
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date

Any recording that focuses solely upon the music of Andrea Gabrieli, the other Gabrieli, risks languishing in store bins, forgotten by all but the most musicological of listeners. This recording, fortunately, should not suffer that fate.

Director Timothy Roberts, His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts and the newly formed His Majestys Consort of Voices have put together a celebration of Andrea Gabrieli that is as well performed as it is researched. Though some of the scoring choices are unusual, the performances are nearly impeccable with but a few exceptions.


This review originally appeared in the Choral Journal. Copyright © 2003 American Choral Directors Association. Printed with permission. All rights reserved.

Citation Information
Stroeher, Vicki. Review of Andrea Gabrieli, Missa Pater Peccavi, Motets and Instrumental Music, 2003 His Majestys Consort of Voices, His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts, Timothy Roberts, conductor. Hyperion, 2000. Choral Journal 44 (October 2003): 78-79.