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The Work/Life Equation: A Moving Target
Boise State - Beyond the Blue Faculty Podcasts (2012)
  • Vicki Stieha, Boise State University
  • Rebecca Robideaux, Boise State University
How do we balance our careers with other aspects of our lives? Is there an ideal balance, or is the equation mostly subjective? In this podcast, Dr. Stieha examines the evolution of the “work-life balance” dynamic, which entered our national dialog in the mid-1980s as people began to consider the implications for work encroaching on the time that had previously been dedicated to family and leisure. More recently, the idea of “balance” seems to have been abandoned in favor of exploring the variables that go into creating a personal work-life equation. This is a particularly compelling question to explore with students as they prepare for a career (or to re-career) in an increasingly global economy. This presentation offers a sample of the instructors’ Foundational Studies course as they look back a few decades and trace the factors that play into a work-life equation for the three generations currently in the workforce: Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and Millennials. The podcast also features a discussion of how media reflects the ways we look at the work-life equation.
Publication Date
March 19, 2012
Citation Information
Vicki Stieha and Rebecca Robideaux. "The Work/Life Equation: A Moving Target" Boise State - Beyond the Blue Faculty Podcasts (2012)
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