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Best Practices: An Exciting Showcase of Inclusive, Innovative, & Interconnected Libraries in Asia and the USA
Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works
  • Buenaventura (Ven) Basco, University of Central Florida
  • John Hickok, California State University, Fullerton
  • Best Practices, US libraries, Asian Libraries, International examples, Model libraries

Conference Presentation presented at PLAI 2019 National Congress in Tagaytay City, Philippines.

Libraries across the world—especially in the US and Asia—are rapidly changing. New technology, trends, and user needs are all driving libraries to adapt. This includes being more inclusive (meeting all users’ needs, of diverse backgrounds), more innovative (overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities), and more interconnected (forging partnerships and making creative connections). This paper presentation will showcase inspiring, real-life examples of just such libraries! The two co-presenters bring first-hand experience in featuring these showcased libraries. The first leads the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA), a professional library organization dedicated to cultivating APA library leadership and serving APA communities. The second has been documenting Best Practices of over 1,000 libraries—throughout Asia—for the past 15 years. They will both bring a wealth of Best Practice examples: what works, what doesn’t, what gets results, and what can be replicated. This presentation will appeal to librarians from all types of libraries (academic, public, school, government). This presentation will be lively and appeal to everyone, featuring real-life libraries (with photos, audio, and video) and practical, how-to comments on implementing the features. Examples of some of the libraries to be showcased include: (Inclusive) The Long Beach (California) Public Library’s North Branch conducting “Talk Story” programs on Polynesian culture; (Innovative) Michigan State University library’s creating innovative stress-relief outreach to students, from donuts to dog therapy; (Interconnected) The Mapo Central Public Library, in Seoul Korea, interconnecting with many community services, such as vocational training, music & dance rehearsal, art studios, and more.

Publication Date
Document Type
Conference Presentation
Publication Version
Author's version
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Information Technologies & Resources
Orlando (Main) Campus
Research and Information Services
Citation Information

Basco, Buenaventura; and Hickok, John., "Best Practices: An Exciting Showcase of Inclusive, Innovative, and Interconnected Libraries in Asia and the USA" (2019).