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A microscale model for strain-induced phase transformations and chemical reactions under high pressure
Europhysics Letters (2004)
  • Valery I. Levitas, Texas Tech University

A simple strain-controlled kinetic equation for strain-induced phase transformations and chemical reactions is thermodynamically derived. This model is applied to explain various mechanochemical phenomena observed under compression and shear of materials in diamond or Bridgman anvils. In particular, it explains zero-pressure hysteresis and the appearance of new phases, especially strong phases, which were not obtained without shear. Also an explanation was obtained as to why a nonreacting matrix with a yield stress higher (lower) than that for reagents significantly accelerates (slows down) the reactions. Some methods to characterize and control strain-induced transformations and reactions are suggested.

  • Center for Mechanochemistry and Synthesis of New Materials
Publication Date
June, 2004
Publisher Statement

This article is from Europhysics Letters 66 (2004): 698-693, doi:10.1209/epl/i2003-10249-1 . Posted with permission.

Citation Information
Valery I. Levitas. "A microscale model for strain-induced phase transformations and chemical reactions under high pressure" Europhysics Letters Vol. 66 Iss. 5 (2004)
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