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Our Agents
  • Valerie Mendoza, San Jose State University
<em>Our Agents</em>, is a photo-based installation comprised of 48 portraits of what appear at first glance to be ordinary people, but which are composites of at least 6 images of actual real estate agents. Rather than simply criticizing the real estate profession alone, <em>Our Agents</em> is intended to serve as a metaphor for a flawed system that drives affordable housing beyond the reach of most working class Americans. 

<em>Our Agents</em> uses subtle humor to engage with critical discourse around the issue of affordable housing, which should be considered a basic human right, but all too often becomes a game of speculation for those who can afford to play. 
Publication Date
Exhibited at: 2021 O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, 2020-21 San Francisco Camerawork, 2020-21 de Young Museum, 2019 Kresge Gallery, 2018 Galeria do Sol
Citation Information
Valerie Mendoza. "Our Agents" (2018)
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