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Distances Between Composition Operators
Extracta Mathematicae
  • Valentin Matache, University of Nebraska at Omaha
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Composition operators Cϕ induced by a selfmap ϕ of some set S are operators acting on a space consisting of functions on S by composition to the right with ϕ, that is Cϕf = f ◦ ϕ. In this paper, we consider the Hilbert Hardy space H2 on the open unit disk and find exact formulas for distances kCϕ − Cψk between composition operators. The selfmaps ϕ and ψ involved in those formulas are constant, inner, or analytic selfmaps of the unit disk fixing the origin.


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Citation Information
Valentin Matache. "Distances Between Composition Operators" Extracta Mathematicae Vol. 22 Iss. 1 (2007) p. 19 - 33
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