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The EDPS as a unique stakeholder in the European data protection landscape, fulfilling the explicit and non-explicit expectations
Data Protection anno 2014: How to Restore Trust? Contributions in honour of Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor (2004-2014 (2014)
  • Paul De Hert
  • Vagelis Papakonstantinou, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The completion of the second five-year term of the first European Data Protection Supervisor finds his office a quite different organisation than the one described, or even envisaged, in its establishment document back in 2001.1 As it will be immediately demonstrated, in particular the exercise of his consultative task (one of his three main tasks, together with supervision and co-operation) has transformed his office from a, perceivably, mostly controlling authority into an important, if not central, participant in the EU law-making process on all data protection matters. Although it is perhaps too early to assess whether this development is the result of external or internal factors, this analysis shall attempt exactly that: after briefly demonstrating the change that occurred in the EDPS office status, it shall attempt to analyse the factors that led to it. Finally, a third part shall discuss the future, particularly in view of the EU data protection reform package currently under way.
Publication Date
Hielke Hijmans, Herke Kranenborg
Citation Information
Paul De Hert and Vagelis Papakonstantinou. "The EDPS as a unique stakeholder in the European data protection landscape, fulfilling the explicit and non-explicit expectations" Data Protection anno 2014: How to Restore Trust? Contributions in honour of Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor (2004-2014 (2014)
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