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A Dynamical Tool to Study the Cultural Context of Conflict Escalation
Proceedings of the Modeling Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation (MICON) Meeting
  • Lan Bui-Wrzosinska, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Michele Gelfand, University of Maryland at College Park
  • Andrzej Nowak, Florida Atlantic University
  • Laura Severance, Fors Marsh Group
  • Urszula A. Strawinska-Zanko, Nova Southeastern University
  • Magdalena Formanowicz, University of Surrey
  • Aleksandra Cichocka, University of Kent
0000-0002-9873-543X, 0000-0002-9780-9230, 0000-0001-5859-7100, 0000-0003-1703-1586
Publication Date

The present article describes research in progress which is developing a simple, replicable methodology aimed at identifying the regularities and specificity of human behavior in conflict escalation and de-escalation processes. These research efforts will ultimately be used to study conflict dynamics across cultures. The experimental data collected through this methodology, together with case-studies, and aggregated, time-series macro data are key for identifying relevant parameters, systems' properties, and micromechanisms defining the behavior of naturally occurring conflict escalation and de-escalation dynamics. This, in turn, is critical for the development of realistic, empirically supported computational models. The article outlines the theoretical assumptions of Dynamical Systems Theory with regard to conflict dynamics, with an emphasis on the process of conflict escalation and de-escalation. Next, work on a methodology for the empirical study of escalation processes from a DST perspective is outlined. Specifically, the development of a progressive scenario methodology designed to map escalation sequences, together with an example of a preliminary study based on the proposed research paradigm, is presented. Implications of the approach for the study of culture are discussed.

Citation Information
Lan Bui-Wrzosinska, Michele Gelfand, Andrzej Nowak, Laura Severance, et al.. "A Dynamical Tool to Study the Cultural Context of Conflict Escalation" Proceedings of the Modeling Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation (MICON) Meeting (2009) p. 40 - 49
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