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About Aslihan Unal

Dr. Aslihan Unal is an Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University. Her research focuses on classroom management, technological resources for classrooms, and the relationship between parents and teachers.

Research Interests: Assessment of teaching and learning, technology in education, classroom management and parental involvement.


Present Faculty Member, Georgia Southern University Department of Elementary and Special Education

Curriculum Vitae


2020 Seed Grant
Georgia Southern University
2019 Summer Travel Award
Georgia Southern University
2007 European Union Project
Usak- the Leader City in Protection of Children’s Rights
2007 European Union Project: Usak- the Leader City in Protection of Children’s Rights
European Union
2003 - 2006 Graduate Research Assistantship
Florida State University, College of Educatio
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2022 - Present Member, Faculty Development Committee, GS
2022 - Present Alternate, Faculty Senate, GS
2020 - Present Member, Tenure and promotion Committee, GS
2008 - Present Reviewer, Journal of Educational Technology & Society [JETS]
2005 - Present Reviewer, Conference paper proposals for The American Educational Research Association, AERA
2020 - 2021 Chair, Jack Miller Award, Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Instructor/Lecturer Award, College of Education
2019 - 2021 Member, Calendar Committee, GS
2018 - 2021 Alternate Committee Member, Undergraduate Committee, GS
2018 - 2020 Committee Chair, Elections Committee, College of Education, GS
2019 Search Committee Chair, Search Committee - Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, GS
2017 - 2019 Member, Senate Elections Committee, GS
2017 - 2018 Committee Chair, Elections Committee, College of Education, GS
2017 - 2018 Alternate, Faculty Senate, GS
2016 - 2017 Committee Chair, Student Affairs Committee, College of Education, GS
2015 - 2016 Alternate, Faculty Senate, GS
2008 Workshop Organizer, Project-Based Social Studies Curriculum in Middle Schools,Tubitak and Ministry of National Education
2007 - 2008 Coordinator, Usak- the Leader City in Protection of Children’s Rights
2006 - 2008 Committee member, Curriculum Committee Usak University, College of Education, Usak, Turkey
2006 - 2008 Member, European Union Education Research and Practice Center
2007 Panel Coordinator, Serving as the leading coordinator of the national panel “Week of people with disabilities”in Turkey
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Honors and Awards

  • Recipient, Anatolian Contemporary Educational Foundation Scholarship: Turkish Ministry of Education (1993)
  • Recipient, Honor Certificate: Turkish Educational Honor Certificate (1998)
  • Recipeint, Accomplished Scholarship Award, Full scholarship from the Turkish Government to pursue graduate studies in the USA (2001)
  • Recipient, Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Fellowship Award, Georgia Southern University (2015)
  • Recipient, College of Education Jack Miller Award for Teaching (2017)
  • Recipient, Georgia Educational Research Association (GERA) Distinguished Paper Award “An examination of K-12 Teachers’ Assessment Beliefs and Practices in Relation to Years of Teaching Experience” (2018)
  • Recipient, SRERA Distinguished Paper Award, American Educators Research Association (AERA) Distinguished Paper Award “An examination of K-12 teachers’ assessment beliefs and practices in relation to years of teaching experience” (2019)
  • Recipient, Best Professional Paper Award, Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA) “Preparing teachers for diverse schools -An online tool for calculating school diversity for field placements” (2020)
  • Recipient, SRERA Distinguished Paper Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA) “Preparing teachers for diverse classrooms” (2021)
  • Recipient, Outstanding Presentation Award, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) “How teacher choice and voice can improve professional development design and implementation” (2021)


  • ELEM 3732 Pre-Internship
  • EDAT 7131 Enhancing Student Performance
  • EDAT 7132 Framework for Teaching


August 2002 - May 2006 Ph.D. in Elementary Education, Florida State University
January 2001 - July 2002 M.A. in Elementary Education, University of Missouri
September 1992 - July 1996 B.S. in Elementary Education, Pamukkale University, Turkey

Contact Information

Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460


Refereed International Conference Presentations (68)

Refereed National, Regional, and Local Conference Presentations (35)