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Tracking Teacher Education Candidates' Field Placements in Diverse Schools
American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA)
  • Aslihan Unal, Georgia Southern University
  • Zafer Unal, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
  • Yasar Bodur, Georgia Southern University
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Abstract or Description

Presentation given at the American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA).

This study shares an online system being used by an institution that addresses diverse placements, which is a requirement for NCATE accreditation of teacher education programs. The paper describes how an institution started building a working data system as a response to one of the NCATE requirements. The authors provides detailed information about the system and share results of the satisfaction study. The presentation would be of interest to those institutions that are in similar situations trying to fulfill the requirements by NCATE.

Chicago, IL
Citation Information
Aslihan Unal, Zafer Unal and Yasar Bodur. "Tracking Teacher Education Candidates' Field Placements in Diverse Schools" American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA) (2015)
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