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Using a Free and Simple Web-Based Service (zWebQuest) to Encourage the Use of WebQuests in Teacher Education
The American Educational Research Association International Conference (AERA 2009) (2009)
  • Aslihan Unal, Georgia Southern University
  • Zafer Unal, University of South Florida St. Petersburg
Paper presented at the annual meeting of The American Educational Research Association International Conference (AERA 2009)

WebQuests, invented by Bernie Dodge and Tom March, have been used for many years by teacher educators at all levels as a tool for helping their students use the World Wide Web in a worthwhile way. The problem comes when we expect our credential students to design these activities without giving them a simple and easy to use template to create one with. The objective of this presentation/demonstration is to introduce a new online service zWebQuest located at that allows educators to create their own WebQuest for free and within minutes. The presenter (creator of zWebQuest) will share information about webquests; samples created using ZWebQuest, help participations setup their accounts and build their own webquests.

Publication Date
April, 2009
San Diego, CA
Citation Information
Aslihan Unal and Zafer Unal. "Using a Free and Simple Web-Based Service (zWebQuest) to Encourage the Use of WebQuests in Teacher Education" The American Educational Research Association International Conference (AERA 2009) (2009)
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