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How Patient-Generated Health Data and Patient-Reported Outcomes Affect Patient–Clinician Relationships: A Systematic Review
Health Informatics Journal
  • Uba Backonja, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Ross J. Lordon
  • Sean P. Mikles
  • Laura Kneale
  • Heather L. Evans
  • Sean A. Munson
  • William B. Lober
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Introduction: Many patients use mobile devices to track health conditions by recording patient-generated health data. However, patients and clinicians may disagree how to use these data.

Objective: To systematically review the literature to identify how patient-generated health data and patient-reported outcomes collected outside of clinical settings can affect patient–clinician relationships within surgery and primary care.

Methods: Six research databases were queried for publications documenting the effect of patient-generated health data or patient-reported outcomes on patient–clinician relationships. We conducted thematic synthesis of the results of the included publications.

Results: Thirteen of the 3204 identified publications were included for synthesis. Three main themes were identified: patient-generated health data supported patient–clinician communication and health awareness, patients desired for their clinicians to be involved with their patient-generated health data, which clinicians had difficulty accommodating, and patient-generated health data platform features may support or hinder patient–clinician collaboration.

Conclusion: Patient-generated health data and patient-reported outcomes may improve patient health awareness and communication with clinicians but may negatively affect patient–clinician relationships.

Citation Information
Lordon, R. J., Mikles, S. P., Kneale, L., Evans, H. L., Munson, S. A., Backonja, U., & Lober, W. B. (2020). How Patient-Generated Health Data and Patient-Reported Outcomes Affect Patient–Clinician Relationships: A Systematic Review. Health Informatics Journal.