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How Vietnamese organizations perceive the use of social media in crisis communication
DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen (2019)
  • Tuong-Minh Ly-Le
Social media has proliferated into everyday life of Vietnamese people. As a result, in the past years, Vietnam has seen many organizational crises that started on this platform. Social media has proven to be able to foster crises, thanks to open platforms that allow for relatively free discussion among strangers with common interests. Nonetheless, Vietnamese organizations have often ignored or underutilized these channels in their crisis communication efforts. Organizations prioritize using traditional media in their crisis communication efforts and paid little to no attention to social media outlets, even if the crisis had started on social media channels. Through a survey with experienced Vietnamese PR practitioners, this research aims to understand this trend of crisis management and explore the perception of Vietnamese organizations toward the use of social media in crisis communication.
  • social media,
  • social media adoption,
  • crisis communication,
  • crisis response,
  • Vietnam
Publication Date
September, 2019
Citation Information
Ly-Le, T. M. (2019). How Vietnamese organizations perceive the use of social media in crisis communication. DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 14(2), 210-222.