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The Future of Rail Automation: A Scenario-Based Technology Roadmap for the Rail Automation Market
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  • Christoph Hansen, Techinical University of Hamburg
  • Tugrul Unsal Daim, Portland State University
  • Horst Ernst, Siemens AG
  • Cornelius Herstatt, Techinical University of Hamburg
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Technological Change,
  • Technology -- Management,
  • Technology assessment -- Decision making

This paper proposes a four-step approach based on technology roadmapping and scenario-based roadmapping. The objective is to evaluate the relevance of new products and technologies and its variation under a range of possible future conditions or scenarios. A case study on rail automation for passenger transport systems is conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method. Market drivers, new systems, products and technologies are identified in a literature review and then verified and linked by expert judgments. Analyzing the resulting graphical representation of relevance and robustness from the proposed approach leads to a periodization of products and technologies for future development and an evaluation of the most influential market driver. The proposed approach for scenario-based technology roadmapping facilitates robust decision making under future uncertainties.

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Citation Information
Hansen, C., Daim, T., Ernst, H., & Herstatt, C. (2016). The future of rail automation: A scenario-based technology roadmap for the rail automation market. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.