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Infrastructure and Service Integration as a Key Process in Technology Management
Technology in Society
  • Tugrul Unsal Daim, Portland State University
  • Charla Griffy-Brown, Pepperdine University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Technological Change,
  • Decision making,
  • Technology -- Management

Services delivered through technologies have emerged as key contributors to the economy. In fact, the service sector has developed into a critical value driver in the 21st century, even for manufactured products. Furthermore, technology infrastructure has become one of the key success factors in the delivery of services. This special issue focuses on technology management aspects of the critical integration of services and infrastructure. This integration is complex and requires more systematic scholarly understanding in order to enhance successful service delivery. It is envisioned that this special issue begins to fill this gap. There are many examples of success and failure to learn from but little theory and systematic approaches to assist decision-makers as they provide technology enabled services. One recent example has been the roll out of the new US healthcare system ( and the failure of the web interface. The main issue in this example was the process of integrating health care services with the information technology infrastructure. The less than effective management of technology in this case led to a failure which was globally newsworthy and had a significant negative effect on the intended outcome of providing affordable healthcare. This special issue explores both strategic aspects such as evaluation and planning of technologies as well as operational aspects such as implementation and actual integration of technologies with the services. It is envisioned that new scholarly approaches and understanding will inform decision-makers so that better outcomes can result regardless of whether the services are in the commercial, public or non-profit sectors and regardless of industry vertical.

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Citation Information
Dabic, M., González-Loureiro, M., & Daim, T. U. (2015). Unraveling the attitudes on entrepreneurial universities: The case of Croatian and Spanish universities. Technology in Society, 42, 167–178.