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Technology Management Maturity Assessment Model in Healthcare Research Centers
  • Amir Shaygan, Oregon Health and Sciences University
  • Tugrul Daim, Portland State University
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In the context of continuous learning in healthcare organizations, a mature system can be defined as a system that generates timely actions to the information that it derives from internal and external data to create meaningful measurement regarding system learning and increased efficacy and effectiveness in health outcomes. However, there is a lack of a model that provides managers and decision-makers with a systematic, multi-criteria, validated, quantifiable, and repeatable maturity model to assess and enhance health organizations' performance in continuous learning and technology management. This research proposes a multi-criteria model to assess technology management maturity and continuous learning in research centers within university hospitals by using Hierarchical Decision Model (HDM), validated and quantified by panels of healthcare subject matter experts. The model can help research centers with pinpointing their strengths and opportunities in terms of continuous learning from the data they have access to while giving them organizational self-awareness and guide them in setting their strategies and resource allocation. The model will serve as a much-needed technology management tool for healthcare organizations to assess their technology management maturity and continuous learning efforts and assist them in creating more effective roadmaps.


© 2021 Elsevier Ltd.

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Citation Information
Shaygan, A., & Daim, T. (2021). Technology management maturity assessment model in healthcare research centers. Technovation, 102444.