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Fostering Ecological Citizenship: The Case of Environmental Service-Learning in Costa Rica
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Jennifer Rebecca Kelly, Michigan State University
  • Troy D. Abel, Western Washington University
Publication Date

The intent of this study was to explore how experiential education fosters ecological or environmental citizenship. In this context, we investigated the impact of international environmental service-learning in a college course. Specifically our research question was does environmental service-learning have an effect on ecological citizenship? Using a multimethod approach of both qualitative and quantitative instruments our study drew on 13 participant interviews, 19 student journals and 10 survey responses. Employing variables from the Value-Belief-Norm Theory our findings suggest that environmental service-learning experiences impact both awareness of environmental consequences and personal normative beliefs. We conclude that ecological citizenship was indirectly impacted through these social psychological predicators. Results of this study provide environmental educators with some important insights while implications of this study indicate the need for further research into experiential education and especially environmental service-learning as a means to encourage this type of citizenry.

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Citation Information
Jennifer Rebecca Kelly and Troy D. Abel. "Fostering Ecological Citizenship: The Case of Environmental Service-Learning in Costa Rica" (2012)
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