Present | Associate Director, Nova Southeastern University ‐ College of Psychology | |
2013 | Assistant Professor, Nova Southeastern University ‐ College of Psychology | |
Research Interests
2021 - Present | Machine Learning and Network Modeling in Gulf War Illness Paradigm |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - 75D30121P10648 | |
Role: Principal Investigator | |
$248,452 | |
2019 - Present | Understanding of Light-Based Quantum Processes in Selected Biomaterial from the Brain, Microtubules, and Cells |
Army Research Office - W911NF-19-1-0373-(74884-PH) | |
Army Research Office | |
Role: Principal Investigator (NSU Site - 15% effort) | |
Colleague(s): Robert R. Alfano (Principal Investigator) | |
$295,000 | |
2018 - Present | The Gulf War Illness Clinical Trials and Interventions Consortium (GWICTIC) |
Department of Defense - W81XWH-18-2-0062 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (5% effort) | |
Colleague(s): Nancy G. Klimas (Principal Investigator) | |
$6,000,000 | |
2016 - 2022 | Improving Diagnostics and Treatments for GWI Females by Accounting for the Effects of PTSD |
Department of Defense - GW150199 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Principal Investigator (10% effort) | |
$500,000 | |
2020 - 2021 | Gateway Institute for Brain Research - Private Research Contract |
Gateway Institute for Brain Research | |
Private Research Contract | |
Role: Principal Investigator (15% effort) | |
$57,000 | |
2020 - 2021 | Private Research |
Private Research | |
Gateway Institute for Brain Research - Private Research Contract | |
Role: Principal Investigator | |
$57,000 | |
2019 - 2021 | Understanding of light-based quantum processes in selected biomaterial from the brain, microtubules, and cells |
Department of Defense (sub-award) - W911NF-19-1-0373-(74884-PH) | |
Army Research Office | |
Role: Principal Investigator (15% effort) | |
Colleague(s): Robert R. Alfano, PI, CCNY | |
$60,000 | |
2018 - 2021 | Immunomodulation in GWI |
Department of Defense - W81XWH-18-1-0660 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (4% effort) | |
Colleague(s): Lubov Nathanson (Principal Investigator) | |
$700,000 | |
2018 - 2021 | Using Periodic Spatial Disturbance to Manipulate Cooperation in Bacteria |
Department of Defense - W911NF-17-S-0010 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (7% effort) | |
Colleague(s): Smith (Principal Investigator) | |
$434,105 | |
2016 - 2021 | Disentangling the Effects of PTSD from GWI for Improved Diagnostics and Treatments |
Department of Defense - GW150144 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Principal Investigator (10% effort) | |
$450,000 | |
2017 - 2019 | Genomic Approach to Find Female-Specific Mechanisms of GWI Pathobiology |
Department of Defense - GW160116 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (3% effort) | |
Colleague(s): Lubov Nathanson (Principal Investigator) | |
$667,000 | |
2015 - 2019 | High Fidelity Design of Multi-modal Restorative Interventions in Gulf War Illness |
Department of Defense - GW140142 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Principal Investigator (15%) | |
$810,000 | |
2014 - 2019 | Gender Differences in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
National Institutes of Health - R01 NS090200-01 | |
National Institutes of Health | |
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (5% effort) | |
Colleague(s): Mary Ann Fletcher (Principal Investigator) | |
$1,984,256 | |
2013 - 2017 | Understanding Gulf War Illness: An Integrative Modeling Approach |
Department of Defense - W81XWH-13-2-0085 | |
Department of Defense | |
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (5%) | |
Colleague(s): Mariana Morris (Principal Investigator) | |
$4,102,527 |
Professional Service and Affiliations
2018 - Present | Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Medical Hypotheses | 2017 - Present | Member, American Physical Society | 2017 - Present | Affiliate Member, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Miami | 2017 - Present | Member, NIH-VA GWI Deep Phenotyping Study: Workgroup | 2017 - Present | Board Member, The Penrose Institute, Scientific Advisory | 2016 - Present | Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Biosystems | 2015 - Present | Member, Behavioral Neuroscience Curriculum Committee | 2015 - Present | Member, College of Psychology Research Committee | 2015 - Present | Member, Complex Systems Society | 2015 - Present | Member, NSU High Performance Computing Architecture Design Planning Committee | 2013 - Present | Member, GWIRP Consortium Publication Committee | Present | Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Scientific Reports | 2021 - 2021 | Ad Hoc Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Traumatic Stress | 2021 - 2021 | Pre-application Scientific Reviewer, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (PRE-ME/CFS) peer review panel of the 2021 Peer R | 2017 - 2018 | Member, Department of Veterans Affairs, Gulf War Research Strategic Plan, Systems Biology | 2017 | Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Brain, Behavior and Immunity | 2017 | Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Consciousness Studies |
2008 - 2012 | Ph.D., Physics, University of Alberta | |
2005 - 2008 | M.Sc., Physics, University of Alberta | |
1997 - 2002 | B.S., Physics, University of Guelph | |
Contact Information
(954) 262-2868
Articles (87)
Journal articles written or co-written by Dr. Travis J.A. Craddock