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About Tracy Devine Guzmán

Tracy Devine Guzmán is Associate Professor of Latin American Studies in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Miami. She holds a B.A. from the University of Virginia (Foreign Affairs/French Language and Literature); an M.A. from the College of William and Mary (Government); and a Ph.D. from Duke University (Latin American Studies/Romance Studies). Her research interests include intellectual history, social and political theory, and cultural production, especially as these fields intersect with questions of race/ethnicity and environmentalism.
Devine Guzmán has engaged in research and political advocacy in the Americas for over two decades. She has worked throughout Brazil and Peru, and has conducted field and archival research in Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala, India, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain. She has won individual and institutional grants from the Ford Foundation, the Tinker Foundation, FLAS, FIPSE/CAPES, the Fulbright Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Devine Guzmán’s work appears in the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, the Bulletin of Latin American Research, Latin American Research Review, Cadernos de Estudos Culturais, LASA Forum, A Contracorriente, Revista Observatório, Latin America Advisor, the Oxford Research Encyclopedias, and numerous specialized publications in the US, Europe, and Latin America. Her articles have been awarded the LASA Brazil Section Essay Prize and the José María Arguedas Article Prize of the LASA Peru Section, and her first monograph, Native and National in Brazil: Indigeneity after Independence (University of North Carolina Press) received Honorable Mention for the LASA Brazil Section Book Prize (2014).
Devine Guzmán's second book project, “Transcontinental Indigeneity: Linking the Americas and the Global South,” is a comparative, intellectual history that traces the flow of racialized ideas and Native/non-Native notions of indigeneity from the Americas to the global South through state and regional policies, academic discourse, institutional memory, and cultural production from various international actors. She is also compiling and editing a volume called Teaching Indigenous Studies in and of Latin America for the Modern Languages Association
Devine Guzmán serves on the Steering and Executive Committees of the US Network for Democracy in Brazil and volunteers frequently as a translator for social movements in Latin America. At the University of Miami, she is the co-founder and co-coordinator of the Native American and Global Indigenous Studies (NAGIS) Working Group. She is currently a Research Fellow with the Washington Brazil Office.


Present Associate Professor, University of Miami

Curriculum Vitae

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Book chapters (6)

Presentations (10)