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Nation and Identity
Canadian Literature (2004)
  • Tracy J. Prince, Portland State University
Reviews of: Winfried Siemerling and Katrin Schwenk, eds.Cultural Difference and the Literary Text: Pluralism and the Limits of Authenticity in North American Literatures. U of Iowa P  
Smadar Lavie and Ted Swedenburg, eds. Displacement,Diaspora,and Geographies of Identity. Duke UP
Reviewed by Tracy J. Prince

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  • postcolonial,
  • literature,
  • multiculturalism,
  • diaspora,
  • ethnicity,
  • identity
Publication Date
Summer 2004
Publisher Statement
Reviews of
  • Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity. Duke University Press. by Ted Swedenburg and Smadar Lavie
  • Cultural Difference and the Literary Text. University of Iowa Press. by Katrin Schwenk and Winfried Siemerling
Citation Information
Tracy J. Prince. "Nation and Identity" Canadian Literature Vol. 181 (2004) p. 173 - 175 ISSN: 0008-4360
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