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Book Review: U.S. Energy and Environmental Interest Groups by Lettie Wenner
Stanford Environmental Law Journal
  • Tracey E. George
Document Type
Publication Date
  • energy policy,
  • environmental policy,
  • Lettie McSpadden Wenner

Interest groups have played a dominant if not determinative role in the "greening of America." Thus, that Lettie Wenner, a political scientist who has devoted much of her career to studying environmental issues (The Environmental Decade (1982) and One Environment Under Law (1976)), should publish a compendium describing such groups is an occasion for optimism. And, indeed, she does provide a useful reference tool for those seeking basic descriptions of these groups; yet, unfortunately, she does not offer a thorough or critical understanding of how they operate.

Citation Information
Tracey E. George. "Book Review: U.S. Energy and Environmental Interest Groups by Lettie Wenner" Stanford Environmental Law Journal Vol. 11 (1992) p. 319 ISSN: 0892-7138
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