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Contribution to Book
Case Studies of WSN-CPS Applications
Cyber-Physical System Design with Sensor Networking Technologies
  • Fang-Jing Wu
  • Tony Tie Luo, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Hwee Pink Tan

The most representative form of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) involves wireless sensor networks (WSNs) as the main means to interact with physical entities. This chapter reviews a number of such WSN-CPS applications and reveals how these applications bridge the gap between sensing information in the cyber world and diverse entities in the physical world. We divide these applications into five categories: smart space systems, healthcare systems, emergency response systems, human activity inference, and smart city systems. Smart space systems monitor energy usage, temperature, and various other attributes of appliances in an indoor space. Healthcare systems assist people to improve physical and emotional well-being through automatic sensing and sense-making technologies. Emergency response systems search for and rescue people as soon as possible in emergency situations such as fire outbreaks. Human activity inference systems interpret human intention behind sensing information to facilitate human daily activities related to social events, road safety, mood detection, interactive games, etc. Smart city systems concentrate on city dynamics such as urban environmental monitoring, human mobility, and transport information. Our discussion in this chapter is steered from simple to complex systems in terms of networking technologies, service ranges, system integration, and human engagement. We conclude by discussing important technical components, future trends, and open issues in WSN-CPS applications in order to provide readers with technical pointers for designing next-generation WSN-CPS applications.

Computer Science
Chapter 12
Keywords and Phrases
  • Automatic sensing,
  • Cyber-physical systems,
  • Cyber-physical systems,
  • Emergency management,
  • Emergency response systems,
  • Health care,
  • Healthcare systems,
  • Human activity inference,
  • Human engagement,
  • Networking technologies,
  • Sense-making technologies,
  • Service ranges,
  • Smart city systems,
  • Smart space systems,
  • System integration,
  • wireless sensor networks,
  • Wireless sensor networks,
  • WSN-CPS applications
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
978-184919825-7; 978-184919824-0
Document Type
Book - Chapter
Document Version
File Type
© 2016 Institution of Engineering and Technology (IEE), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Apr 2016
Citation Information
Fang-Jing Wu, Tony Tie Luo and Hwee Pink Tan. "Case Studies of WSN-CPS Applications" Cyber-Physical System Design with Sensor Networking Technologies (2016) p. 269 - 310
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